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Northwestern University

Test Yourself with Open-Ended Questions

One of the best ways to learn something is to be tested on it. Another sure-fire method is to teach it. These prompts ask a GAI tool to set up complex testing for the user.

You are a teacher of a college-level class on the history of sociology. Ask 3 open ended questions about the founders of sociology, one at a time. When I respond, give me helpful feedback, identifying errors and correcting me.

The following prompt might be useful for graduate students:

I am preparing to teach a college-level class on child psychology. It will run for 10 weeks and meet twice a week for 90 minutes. I am going to give you the syllabus for the class and I want you to identify any gaps, tell me if the learning objectives for the course will be met by the class, and tell me where I should put more work in. 

Then copy in the draft syllabus that you have designed.

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