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Northwestern University

Write Assignment Instructions and a Rubric

Use these prompts to write an assignment and a rubric that can be used for feedback and scoring.

Act as a university professor. Create assignment instructions that include the following elements: 

The purpose of the assignment is: <PURPOSE>

The students should complete these tasks: <TASKS>

The students will be using the following resources: <RESOURCES>

The criteria for success are: <CRITERIA>

This assignment needs to align with: <LEARNING OBJECTIVE>


Once the assignment is shaped the way you'd like, use the following prompt to create a rubric for assessment:

Based on the assignment instructions, create a rubric that measures the items listed in the criteria for success. Each criterion of the rubric should have three ratings: Excellent, Developing, and Needs Improvement. Format the rubric in a table.

The assignment instructions are: [copy in the assignment instructions]

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