Past Event
Generative AI for Language Instruction: Hands-on with Copilot
Media and Design Studio
3:30 PM
2530, Kresge Hall

The Media and Design Studio and Language Resource Center are pleased to offer a hands-on workshop on the use of Microsoft Copilot. This workshop expands on examples presented in the fall quarter seminar series by allowing participants to directly interact with various recommended generative artificial intelligence ("Gen AI") tools.
Participants will learn how to use AI to develop lesson plans and materials and to create and shape various forms of multimedia for teaching use.
Monday, February 17, 2025 at 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
2530, Kresge Hall Map
Media and Design Studio
Colloquium: Kevin Pedro:"Unsupervised and Generative AI for High Energy Physics"
Physics and Astronomy Colloquia
4:00 PM
L211, Technological Institute
AI is an essential tool to maximize the discovery potential of the upcoming flood of data from the next generation of high energy particle physics experiments. The field is moving beyond existing paradigms to explore density estimation techniques that offer exciting new capabilities. Unsupervised learning enables anomaly detection to search for unexpected signs of new physics. Generative learning provides faster, higher quality simulations to match increasing data volumes and precision requirements. These and other AI algorithms, when deployed on coprocessors such as GPUs and neuromorphic chips, accelerate data processing far beyond conventional computing. Current results and future prospects will be discussed.
Kevin Pedro, Scientist, Fermilab
Host: Mayda Velasco
Friday, March 14, 2025 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
L211, Technological Institute Map
Physics and Astronomy Colloquia
Winter exams begin
University Academic Calendar
All Day
Winter exams begin
Monday, March 17, 2025
University Academic Calendar
David Minh PhD | Department of Pharmacology Seminar Series
Department of Pharmacology Seminars
3:00 PM
5-230, Ward Building
Title: Computational Molecular Pharmacology.
Abstract: Computer modeling of structural, thermodynamic, and pharmacodynamic properties can accelerate drug design by inspiring new designs and prioritizing those that are most likely to be successful. My research group has recently made significant progress in binding pose, affinity, and signaling efficacy prediction. Based on a statistical mechanics framework that I derived, we have developed a method that exploits multiple rigid protein conformations to quickly compute protein-ligand binding poses and free energies. For a series of 58 ligands from a drug lead optimization campaign against the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, the method achieves a Pearson R of 0.52 and RMSE of 1.24 kcal/mol in comparison to experiment. In what could be a significant breakthrough in GPCR signaling, we have also developed a computational method that combines molecular simulation and machine learning to model structural mechanisms of activation and calculate the signaling efficacy along multiple pathways. It computes the signaling efficacy of G protein signaling along multiple subtypes and of arrestin recruitment for a diverse set of mu opioid receptor and cannabinoid receptor 2 ligands with a mean absolute error of less than 20%. I am excited about opportunities to further validate these technologies and apply them to accelerating the discovery of safe and effective therapeutics.
Speaker: David Minh, PhD; Robert E. Frey, Jr. Endowed Chair in Chemistry, Illinois Tech; Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Biagon Inc.
Monday, March 17, 2025 at 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
5-230, Ward Building Map
Department of Pharmacology Seminars
TEACHxperts - AI in Teaching: Success Stories from Northwestern Faculty
Northwestern IT Teaching and Learning Technologies
12:00 PM
AI is rapidly reshaping higher education, offering new opportunities for teaching and learning. But what does AI integration look like in practice?
Join this session to hear firsthand success stories on leveraging AI for learning. Gain practical insights, explore challenges, and walk away with strategies to integrate AI into your own courses.
Leigh Cohen: Assistant Clinical Professor and Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) at Northwestern University
Fransiska Lys: Professor of German and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the department of German as well as the Director of the MENA Languages program.
Mindy Thorpe: Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Northwestern IT Teaching and Learning Technologies
Spring Break Begins
University Academic Calendar
All Day
Spring Break Begins
Saturday, March 22, 2025
University Academic Calendar
M3S 2025 Spring Meeting
NU Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
8:00 AM
The NU-MRSEC will partner with M3S for this event.
Breakfast & Lunch will be provided.
* Registration is required to receive complimentary lunch and breakfast.
Friday, March 28, 2025 at 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
NU Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Spring Break Ends
University Academic Calendar
All Day
Spring Break Ends
Monday, March 31, 2025
University Academic Calendar
Computation and Data Exchange Syumposium (CoDEx)
Northwestern Information Technology
8:00 AM
Louis Lobby, Norris University Center
Registration is now open for Northwestern’s second annual Computation and Data Exchange (CoDEx) symposium on Tuesday, April 8. This campus-wide event will showcase research with computational and data-intensive aspects at Northwestern and provide cross-discipline collaboration and networking opportunities for University faculty, postdoctoral researchers, staff, and students.
Symposium Highlights
Attendees will discover solutions and discuss challenges the Northwestern research community faces in computation, data science, AI, machine learning, and other data-enabled research. See the agenda for a list of the day’s activities, including:
Keynote Speaker Adam Miller, assistant professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Parallel Research Talks from professors and staff from Pritzker School of Law, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern Libraries, CIERA, School of Communication, and McCormick School of Engineering.
Lightning Talks, which are five-minute, highly focused talks designed to showcase interesting projects, spark discussions, and ignite collaborations across a wide range of research fields.
Visualization Challenge presentations from Northwestern graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduate students.
Poster Session featuring graduate and undergraduate student researchers.
Demonstrations from our corporate sponsors, Lenovo, Nvidia, and Wolfram Research.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Louis Lobby, Norris University Center Map
Northwestern Information Technology
Research-In-Progress: Vasilis Charisopoulos
NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology
3:00 PM
Suite 3500
Title: Nonlinear tomographic reconstruction via nonsmooth optimization
Members of the NITMB community are invited to join us for Research-In-Progress meetings, an informal venue for members of the NITMB to discuss ongoing and/or planned research.
Vasilis Charisopoulos is a postdoctoral scholar in the Willett Group at the University of Chicago. He is broadly interested in developing numerical optimization methods for machine learning, signal processing and scientific computing. He holds a PhD in Operations Research & Information Engineering from Cornell University. Vasilis was recognized as a Rising Star in Computational and Data Sciences by the UT Austin Oden Institute in 2023.
Learn more about Vasilis Charisopoulos' research and engage in discussion with the NITMB community. Research-In-Progress talks take place on Wednesdays at 3pm at the NITMB office (875 N Michigan Ave., Suite 4010). Snacks and coffee will follow.
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Suite 3500
NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology
NUTC Seminar Series| Xuesong (Simon) Zhou, Arizona State University
Northwestern University Transportation Center
4:00 PM
Ruan Conference Center, Chambers Hall
Xuesong (Simon) Zhou is a Professor of Transportation Systems at the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona. Dr. Zhou's research focuses on developing methodological advancements in multimodal transportation planning applications, including dynamic traffic assignment, traffic estimation and prediction, large-scale routing, and rail scheduling. Dr. Zhou has served as an Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part C, is currently the Executive Editor-in-Chief of Urban Rail Transit, and an Editorial Board Member of Transportation Research Part B. He has also chaired the INFORMS Rail Application Section (2016 and 2025) and currently serves as a subcommittee chair of the TRB Committee on Transportation Network Modeling (AEP40).
Dr. Zhou is the Director of the ASU Transportation+AI Lab, where he is the principal architect and programmer for several open-source packages, including DTALite, NEXTA, and OSM2GMNS, which have collectively received over 100,000 downloads and many system deployments at various metropolitan planning agencies and state DOTs. He has published over 100 papers in Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part C, and other leading transportation journals, with an H-index of 60 and a total of 11,000 citations in Google Scholar.
In addition to his academic achievements, Dr. Zhou is passionate about connecting practitioners, researchers, academics, students, and others involved in transportation planning and travel modeling. He serves as the conference chair for the TRB Innovations in Travel Analysis and Planning Conference in 2023, and a board member of Zephyr Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing transportation research and education.
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Ruan Conference Center, Chambers Hall Map
Northwestern University Transportation Center